Presentation Date & Time: February 15, 2021 at 1:30 pm – 2:00 pm
Company: AGT Services, Inc.
Vendorama Title
Generator HV Electrical Connection – Inspection and Refurbishment!
Vendorama Abstract
Electrical connections are an important part of every day life. In your home, office, car, truck or motorsport vehicle. As an independent generator service provider, we routinely see “issues” or “failure” due to poor inspection and reassembly of generator High Voltage electrical connections. Whether a Hydrogen gas-cooled generator, utilizing high voltage bushings, or an air-cooled generator with simple “bolted” electrical connections, poor procedures and material selection can result in significant failure modes. This technical presentation will highlight the issues found, remedies and methods and materials required to provide long term reliability and, therefore, failure of these crucial connections.
Proper electrical connection inspection and repairs, materials and hardware.
Jamie Clark
Sales Manager

Company Description
Trusted, independent resource for all turbine-driven generator testing, inspection, maintenance, and repair servicing needs.
Products & Services
Turbine driven generator testing, inspection, repairs, stator and field rewinds, OEM bulletin inspection/repairs and creative, industry-leading solutions to common generator reliability issues.