Inlet Fogging of Gas Turbine Engines: Discussion of Impaction-Pin Fog Nozzle Behavior
Thomas Mee, CEO
Thomas Mee III is the CEO of Mee Industries, a manufacturer of inlet air fogging and wet compression systems with more than 1,000 gas turbine installations around the globe. He has been published in over a dozen peer-reviewed journals and scientific papers.
Presentation Synopsis
Presentation given to the 7EA Users Group comparing MeeFog impaction pin nozzles with swirl-jet nozzles. The ultra-fine droplets (10 microns or less) produced by MeeFog impaction pin nozzles mix with airflow faster and evaporate faster than droplets produced by other fog nozzles. Swirl-jet nozzles in particular produce much larger droplets and have more water flow in a smaller spray plume witch inhibits evaporation and results in excess un-evaporated water.
Key Takeaways for Users
Fog droplet size is important for rapid evaporation and with MeeFog this is accomplished in just a few seconds.
Thomas Mee
John Mee
Marketing Manager
About Mee Industries
For over 50 years Mee Industries has led the world with innovative water fog technology. MeeFog™ systems are used to humidify and cool many industrial, commercial and agricultural processes and to create interesting and dynamic special effects. Today there are over ten thousand MeeFog™ systems in use around the world. The MeeFog team looks forward to helping you with your fogging project.
Products and Services
At the heart of a MeeFog™ Inlet Air Fogging System is the highly engineered and precise MeeFog™ nozzle, which atomizes water into billions of microfine droplets below 10 microns in size. Droplet size is the single most important factor governing fog system performance. There’s a reason that Mee is the inlet fogging industry leader. Mee generates proven results. Fact: A MeeFog™ Inlet Air Fogging System will increase your gas turbine power output at a fraction of the cost of new power generation equipment. As the original developers of inlet air fogging technology, Mee Industries will increase your gas turbine power output, period. Since 1990, we have installed more than 1000 gas turbine inlet cooling systems in power plants, processing plants and gas pumping stations worldwide.
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