Lincoln Generating Facility, Owned by Lincoln Generating Facility LLC. Operated by CAMS
600-MW, eight-unit (7EA DLN1), simple-cycle peaking facility located in Manhattan, Ill
Plant manager: Brad Keaton
Platform facilitates borescope access, improves safety, reduces outage cost
Challenge. The gas turbines installed at Lincoln Generating Facility were not equipped with platforms for accessing the power-turbine sections of the units (photo left). Reaching the borescope ports on the lower portion of the turbine required staff to place two planks across the open space as a temporary work platform. During the monthly VPP safety committee meeting this maintenance practice was discussed and participants agreed that a change was required.
Solution. The immediate solution was to hire qualified contractors to install temporary scaffolding to allow access to disassemble, inspect, and reassemble the turbine. However, the scheduling and coordination of temporary scaffolding installation during planned outages on eight units was challenging at times and the cost continued to increase each year.
Site personnel developed work scope and solicited quotes from qualified contractors to install OSHA-approved platforms. The project received approval from the owner and placed in the annual budget. Installation was coordinated with qualified contractor and new platforms were installed.
Results. During the spring outage, the OSHA-approved platforms were installed with the following results:
A safer work area was provided for disassembly, inspection, and reassembly of the turbine during borescope inspections.
Scheduling and coordinating the installation of temporary scaffolding during outages was no longer required.
Technicians can safely perform additional PMs and major maintenance from the new platforms.
The project has a three-year return on investment.
Project participants:
Brad Keaton, plant manager
Rick Stoltz, O&M tech II
Jeff Haun