LM6000: Access platform replaces ladders to help keep personnel safe – Combined Cycle Journal

LM6000: Access platform replaces ladders to help keep personnel safe

Equus Power 1 LP

Owned by J-Power USA Development Co
Operated by NAES Corp
48 MW, dual-fuel 1 × 0 LM6000-powered peaking plant, located in Freeport, NY

Plant manager: Kenneth Ford

Challenge. Equus’ Higgot-Kane anti-icing system is mounted on the gas turbine exhaust section and relies on exhaust gas to heat air drawn into the machine for combustion. The system relies on a motor-driven blower and mechanical damper, both of which must be maintained. Unfortunately, anti-icing system components are located on the top of the exchanger, approximately 16-20 ft above grade.

Solution. Install a fixed platform with ladder to allow safe access for maintenance and troubleshooting of the motor, blower, and damper.

Results. Plant engaged a local fabricator that has manufactured and installed other fixed ladders and platforms for other J-Power assets on Long Island, NY. It designed, fabricated, and installed a suitable platform to allow safe access to system components.

Project participants:

Nicholas Muccio
Dan Frederick
Brett Miller

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