Team-CCJ – Page 49 – Combined Cycle Journal


V94.3A meeting highlights from Istanbul (2019)

There were eight V94.3A user presentations at last year’s meeting, half based on experience in Europe, half in Asia. The European speakers focused on the following: gas-turbine O&M history covering nearly 10 years, generator major, expansion-joint failure analysis and repair/replacement, and combustion tuning to allow an increase in fuel temperature. Presenters from Dubai Electricity & […]

V94.3A meeting highlights from Istanbul (2019) Read More »

Who is, a web portal designed and maintained by Gasre Oy ( to facilitate communication among owner/operators of gas turbines, transitioned from a “hobby” to a professional service in 2014. Coincidentally, the independent Finnish firm, launched in that year the development of its TMMonitor™ product for gas-turbine maintenance management and parts tracking. This software is represented

Who is Read More »

CCJ ONsite’s global coverage of GT users groups begins here with a focus on the 50-Hz V94.2 (SGT5-2000E), V94.3A (SGT5-4000F), AE94.2, and AE94.3A engines

The first gas-turbine user group known to the editors got its start in the US in the mid-1970s. It provided valuable experience on the operation and maintenance of these relatively new prime movers, which were ordered by electric utilities in large numbers following the Northeast Blackout of 1965. Back then the dominant engines for power

CCJ ONsite’s global coverage of GT users groups begins here with a focus on the 50-Hz V94.2 (SGT5-2000E), V94.3A (SGT5-4000F), AE94.2, and AE94.3A engines Read More »

ARNOLD insulation helps V engines maintain top performance

ARNOLD Group is well known worldwide for its gas- and steam-turbine insulation solutions; in Europe and Asia also for its powerplant rotating-equipment and valve field-services capabilities. The company’s history in gas-turbine insulation, the focus of this report, goes back nearly a quarter of a century to the installation of the first Arnold 3D single-layer system

ARNOLD insulation helps V engines maintain top performance Read More »

V Users Best Practices Award: Riverton

Comprehensive training transforms coal-plant personnel into multi-skilled CC operators Powerplant technical training has evolved from learning on the job to VHS tapes to DVDs to eLearning with hands-on laboratory modules. As the power-generation business strategy changed to include the Riverton Power Station’s conversion from coal to combined cycle, steps were put in place to re-tool

V Users Best Practices Award: Riverton Read More »

Sulzer inspects, repairs V engines worldwide

Sulzer’s Rotating Equipment Services unit—formerly Sulzer Turbo Services—offers a wide range of inspection, shop, repair, and manufacturing services for gas and steam turbines, generators, pumps, compressors, and other power and process equipment. The company actively supports the V94/84.2 and V94/84.3A fleets through its participation in user meetings here and internationally. It has major shop facilities

Sulzer inspects, repairs V engines worldwide Read More »

CCJ ONsite’s global coverage of users groups serving owner/operators of V engines concludes here with a focus on V84.2 (SGT6-2000E) and V84.3A (SGT6-4000F) machines

In round numbers, there are about five-dozen V84.2s operating in the US, three-dozen V84.3As. CCJ ONsite has covered the 60-Hz fleet since the mid-2000s. Siemens has hosted annual face-to-face user meetings over the last decade and invited the editors to participate. HEADS UP. The 2020 conference planned for September 14 to 17 at the Hilton

CCJ ONsite’s global coverage of users groups serving owner/operators of V engines concludes here with a focus on V84.2 (SGT6-2000E) and V84.3A (SGT6-4000F) machines Read More »

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