When the Western Turbine Users concluded its 2019 conference, in Las Vegas, Wednesday, March 20, all of the group’s business indicators were pointing upward. Another annual meeting—the organization’s 29th—with more than a thousand attendees, more than 150 exhibitors, few if any hiccups, plenty of wholesome food, good evening events, and endless coffee.
Plus, Wayne Kawamoto, the conference executive director and an active member of WTUI since before its incorporation in 1990, had signed contracts with venues and hotels for meetings through 2022, and negotiations underway for years beyond that. Plus, plus, there was money in the bank.
Then the roof fell in. Covid-19 reared its ugly head late February/early March 2020 and the governor of California’s attendance restrictions for meetings wiped out the conference scheduled for Long Beach beginning March 29. Western Turbine was the first meeting focused on gas- turbine owner/operators to be canceled. The 501F Users Group was the last organization to hold an in-person conference, in early February (page 6). A brief virtual meeting was held in 2020 to bring Western Turbine members up to date on what the OEM and its licensed authorized service providers (ASPs) were doing.
With Covid-19 and its many variants still raging WTUI will conduct its first virtual meeting modeled after the in-person conferences of yesteryear beginning June 8. A preliminary program follows with all times East Coast. Keep current on updates regarding content and times at www.wtui.com. User registration will be there, too. Vendor participation is being coordinated by Sheila Vashi; contact her at sheila.vashi@sv-events.net.
Week One, users only Tues, June 8, LM6000
- 0900, Top 10 contributors to forced-outage incidents, Strategic Power Systems (SPS) 0930, ASP 1, MTU
- 1015, ASP 2, IHI
- 1100, ASP 3, TCT
- 1200-1300, ASP breakout rooms
Wed, June 9, LMS100 0900, SPS Top 10
- 0930, GE presentations to users
- 1130-1230, GE breakout rooms for controls, simple-cycle operation, repairs and field services
Thurs, June 10, LM2500 0900, SPS Top 10
- 0930, ASP 1, MTU
- 1015, ASP 2, ANZGT
- 1100, ASP 3, TCT
- 1200-1300, ASP breakout rooms
Week Two, users and GE only Tues, June 15, LM6000
- 0900, GE presentations to users
- 1100-1200, GE breakout rooms for controls, combined-cycle operation, simple-cycle operation, repairs and field services
Wed, June 16, LMS100, LM6000, LM2500
These are users-only engine breakout sessions
- 0900-1100, User presentations and roundtable discussion
Thurs, June 17, LM2500
- 0900, GE presentations to users
- 1100-1200, GE breakout rooms for controls, combined-cycle operation, simple-cycle operation, repairs and field services
Week Three, special presentations Tues, June 22, State of the Engines
This session open to all conference participants 0900, President John Hutson’s welcome
- 0930, Gas-turbine business update by Consultants Mark Axford (Axford Turbine Consultants) and Tony Brough (Dora Partners)
- 1030, CAISO presentation
- 1100-1500, Vendor fair with up to 20 company sponsors (TBA)
Wed, June 23, Special technical presentations to users 0900, Vendor presentations, total of six, 30 minutes each (TBA) 1200-1300, Breakout rooms for the day’s presenters
Thurs, June 24, Special technical presentations to users 0900, Vendor presentations, total of six, 30 minutes each (TBA) 1200-1300, Breakout rooms for the day’s presenters.
Best practices shared by aero users can benefit all

The Western Turbine Users and CCJ work together to expand the sharing of best practices and lessons learned among owner/operators of GE aero engines. WTUI VP Ed Jackson, plant manager of Missouri River Energy Services’ Exira Generating Station in Brayton, Iowa, says the organization’s mission is to help members better operate and maintain their plants, and a proactive best practices program supports this objective.
Jackson stressed the value of the joint program during the user organization’s last in-person meeting in Las Vegas in March 2019. He encouraged attendees to support the initiative and explained how they would benefit from the experience. The latest fruits of that effort are the best practices profiled here, submitted by the 10 plants identified in the figure.
Recall that CCJ launched the industry-wide Best Practices Awards program in late 2004. Its primary objective, says General Manager Scott Schwieger, is recognition of the valuable contributions made by owner/operator personnel to improve the safety and performance of generating facilities powered by gas turbines.

Industry focus today on safety and performance improvement is reflected in the lineup of proven solutions profiled here.
Steering committee
President, John Hutson
Vice presidents: Jim Bloomquist, David Merritt, Ed Jackson, Bill Lewis
Treasurer, Wayne Feragen
Secretary, Jermaine Woodall
Historian, Mike Raaker
Board of Directors
Todd Kutz, Cogentrix Energy Power Management LLC Dennis Johnson, Sentinel Energy Center
Paul Park, Chugach Electric Assn Robert Nave, Procter & Gamble Garry Grimwade, City of Riverside
Andrew Robertson, Wellhead Services Inc Steve Willard, Enmax Energy Corp
Conference chairpersons
LM2500, Garry Grimwade
LM5000, Perry Leslie
LM6000, Dave Fink
LMS100, Steve Worthington
New users, Andrew Gundershaug
Support staff
Wayne Kawamoto, conference executive director Wayne Feragen, webmaster
Charlene Raaker, conference coordinator