Powerplant Training Course: Gas Turbine Failure Analysis and Avoidance
For a copy of the slide deck, please email either Jeff Chapin (jchapin@liburditurbine.com) or Doug Nagy (dnagy@liburdi.com) with your request. Thank you.
Instructor: Douglas Nagy, Liburdi Turbine Services
This course covers essential knowledge for enhancing and improving gas turbine function by providing a solid foundation of failure analysis including common damage mechanisms, failure fractography and metallurgy and investigation methodology. Beginning with an overview of gas turbine components, materials, and coatings, the course progresses to an in-depth study of material degradation mechanisms, mechanical, environmental, and metallurgical in nature. Case studies are used to allow delegates to apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills learned to component repair and investigation. Delegates will then move on to common causes of gas turbine failure and the design, operational, maintenance, and repair factors that contribute to it. The course then outlines a structure of a good failure analysis report and valuable tips on writing. Important investigation frameworks such as the Ishikawa, Toyoda, and Root Cause Analysis enhance the delegate’s knowledge of failure analysis investigation. The training focuses on important considerations in gas turbine failure analysis, how to prevent failures, and assessing turbine conditions, sharing his expertise and knowledge of 35 years’ industry experience.