The annual conference of the Power Plant Controls Users Group was conducted online for the first time in 2020 and exclusive to owner/operators. The 2021 meeting will be held August 23- 27, at the Marriott St. Louis Grand, co-located with annual conferences for the 7F, 7EA, and Steam Turbine user organizations—all organized and managed under the Power Users umbrella.
Presentations last year focusing on user experiences and vendor products and services (highlights below) were conducted November 10-12. The latter were limited to 30 minutes each and organized in two half-hour sessions. Each vendor was assigned a “breakout room” and users were connected to their presentations of choice. While attendees could not participate in more than two vendor presentations during the live program, all presentations—both user and vendor—are available to owner/operators registered on the Power Users website at
GE Day, November 17, featured technical presentations, Q&A, and open discussion on topics of interest to the user community. Those presentations, also summarized below, can be accessed through the OEM’s MyDashboard website at PPCUG2020 concluded after the GE program.