Who is WTUI? The world’s largest aeroderivative GT user organization – Combined Cycle Journal

Who is WTUI? The world’s largest aeroderivative GT user organization

Western Turbine Users Inc, the world’s largest independent organization of aeroderivative gas-turbine owner/operators, celebrates 35 years of service to the industry at its annual conference and expo, March 30-April 2, 2025, in the Long Beach Convention Center.

What follows is an overview of the upcoming 34th WTUI meeting, plus technical highlights from last year’s conference. Presentations from the 2024 meeting, as well as those from earlier conferences, are available for WTUI members wanting to dig into the details. For access, email Wayne Feragen, treasurer and webmaster, at wferagen@wtui.com.

2025 WTUI Coverage

President’s welcome

On behalf of the board of directors, officers, breakout-session chairs, and support staff, welcome to the 34th annual conference of the Western Turbine Users.

In the late 1980s, a handful of brave investors purchased some early model LM2500 and LM5000 gas turbines for service in California. Their O&M personnel quickly realized the common issues and advantages of the LM engine, gathering in small groups to compare experiences and provide solutions to present to the OEM.

Western Turbine Users was born. Incorporating in 1990, the small group of plant representatives grew to 50, doubled to 100, then 500, and now is over 1000 members strong. Be proud to associate with our organization’s legacy, rich history, and worldwide influence as you collaborate with other industry professionals. Little did our predecessors imagine their forethought would result in something as meaningful, relevant, and influential as WTUI.

Join me in celebrating 35 years of the evolving aeroderivative gas-turbine industry. Users like you have challenged equipment suppliers to improve their products, as we demand new uses and extend the lives of our gas turbines and all support equipment. As a WTUI member, your conference contribution is the root to our success. You are a vital element of the volunteer organization as we move forward

Ed Jackson
President, WTUI

Leadership Team 2025

Western Turbine’s leadership team consists of the officers, directors, conference chairpersons, and support personnel who plan and execute the world’s largest and most comprehensive technical meeting on GE aeroderivative engines for electric power production, gas compression, and ship propulsion. Day-to-day operations are managed by an experienced support staff.

The individuals in this army of volunteers dedicate hundreds of hours of personal time annually to keep you informed on engine technology, operation, and maintenance.

The material presented by owner/operators, the OEM and its authorized service providers, and independent third-party providers of products and services is important and conducive to your success. Participation in WTUI meetings will help you manage your plant in a manner that maximizes revenue, efficiency, and availability/reliability, and minimizes pollutant emissions—all while maintaining the highest degree of safety.


President, Ed Jackson, Missouri River Energy Services
Vice President, Garry Grimwade, Riverside Public Utilities
Treasurer, Wayne Feragen, Noresco
Historian, Mike Raaker, Raaker Services

Board of directors

Dave Fink, Allied Power
Dennis Johnson, Sentinel Energy Center
Luis Sanchez, TransAlta Corp
Tyson Chambers, Lincoln Electric System
Paul Pudar, ENMAX, Cavalier Energy Center
Gilbert Shupe, SRP Phoenix
Al Van Hart, Parkway Generation/CAMS

Conference chairpersons

LM2500, Joshua Svejcar, Ever-Green Energy
LM5000, Perry Leslie, Wellhead Services Inc|
LM6000, Dave Fink, Allied Power
LMS100, Jason King, Onward Energy
New users, Andrew Gundershaug, Calpine Corp

Support staff

Conference coordinator: Charlene Raaker, Raaker Services
Exhibit hall: Dennis Johnson, Sentinel Energy Center
Exhibit hall: Al Van Hart, Parkway Generation/CAMS


The heart and soul of WTUI, Jim Hinrichs, the organization’s second and longest-serving president, told the editors years ago, is the dedicated user who understands that helping a colleague is an investment in his or her own company and expertise. “What’s Joe’s problem today, could be mine tomorrow,” he said.

In the opinion of the editors and others, it is unlikely the aero engines served by WTUI would have achieved commercial success as quickly as they did without dedicated owner/operators contributing to the solutions implemented by the OEM and others to improve their operability and maintainability.

The Honor Roll, below, salutes the WTUI officers and members of the board of directors, who have contributed mightily to the success of this organization since its founding in 1990, and to the industry at large. If you see the nametag of anyone on the list in your travels, please thank them for their productive and unselfish contributions to the successes enjoyed by the greater LM community.

Strategic Power Systems, led by CEO Salvatore A DellaVilla Jr, is due special recognition for its work in tracking and reporting accurate and unbiased availability and reliability data since WTUI’s founding. SPS’s Operational Reliability Analysis Program (ORAP®) provides users the data and metrics they need to extract top performance from their aero engines.


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